Arizona Big Game Super Raffle winners announced
Annual raffle of special issued hunting permits helps fund wildlife conservation
Twelve lucky winners are certainly grinning from ear to ear after hearing of their success from the 2010 Arizona Big Game Super Raffle.
The winners of 10 special big game hunts, a high-end binoculars package, and a guided New Mexico elk hunt were announced during the drawing of the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle on July 22.
The raffle winners for 2010 are:
* Antelope (pronghorn) - Keith Newlon, Sierra Vista, Ariz.
* Bear - Fred Provine, Capitan, N.M.
* Buffalo - Matthew Rohrer, Phoenix, Ariz.
* Coues white-tailed deer - Brad Richardson, Scottsdale, Ariz.
* Desert bighorn sheep - Greg Gordon, Burney, Calif.
* Elk - Paul E. Shepley, Jr., Tucson, Ariz.
* Javelina - John Ristick, Queen Creek, Ariz.
* Mountain lion - Jeffrey Penny, Yuma, Ariz.
* Mule deer – Robert Currier, Cabool, Mo.
* Turkey - Lester Hansen, Tucson, Ariz.
* Swarovski optics package - Jeffrey Murray, Magnolia, TX.
* New Mexico elk hunt - David Dubie, Scottsdale, Ariz.
These twelve raffle winners are just the tip of the iceberg from the event. Landscape-level projects for Arizona’s wildlife and habitats will continue to be funded thanks to the reported $369,465 raised by this raffle that was founded and dedicated to funding wildlife conservation.
Created in 2006 as a way to garner mass participation due to the low cost of a raffle ticket (prices range from $5-$25 each, depending on raffle item), it is one of the largest hunting raffles of its kind, where anyone has an opportunity to win.
Every dollar raised for each species is returned to the Arizona Game and Fish Department for the specific management of that species. However, the decisions on funding specific projects are coordinated through a cooperative process of the Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee. Input from 12 statewide habitat partners and the organizations (state, local and conservation groups) collectively determine which projects will provide the most benefit to each species represented.
Funding from the raffle allows for a multitude of wildlife conservation projects. For 2010, more than 60 projects were approved, including the development, maintenance, and improvement of water catchments to provide reliable water sources for wildlife during drought years. A number of grassland restoration projects through controlled burns and tree removals were funded. Other funded projects assist in wildlife management through helicopter surveys, translocation of wildlife, and the monitoring of wildlife movements to map connectivity issues. A key factor to a project getting approved is that there are funding sources to share costs, labor, or supplied materials, compounding every dollar spent for Arizona’s wildlife. Last year, funded projects provided more than $2 for every $1 spent from the tag funds.
So, the next time you see a highway underpass allowing elk to move safely near the Mogollon Rim, or an antelope ducking under a modified fence in the open plains of Prescott, or if you’re fortunate to spot a desert bighorn sheep peering down from a cliff after watering in the arid desert, remember to think of hunters as conservationists. The majority of wildlife conservation and management by the Arizona Game and Fish Department is made possible by funding generated from the sale of hunting licenses, hunt permit-tags, and matching funds from federal excise taxes hunters pay on guns, ammunition and related equipment, and not from the state’s tax revenues.
To learn more about the Habitat Partnership Committee, visit
The Arizona Big Game Super Raffle, a non-profit entity, is supported by the following organizations:
* Arizona Antelope Foundation
* Arizona Bowhunters Association
* Arizona Deer Association
* Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society
* Arizona Elk Society
* Arizona Game and Fish Department
* Arizona Wildlife Federation
* Wild Sheep Foundation
* Mule Deer Foundation
* National Wild Turkey Federation
* Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
* Safari Club International, Arizona Chapter
* Safari Club International, Phoenix Chapter
* Swarovski Optik
* West Tex New Mexico Hunting Services